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February Fox River Trolley Museum, Cleanup preview, Annual mtg (DuDOT, Forest Preserve, IPP Cook County projects), Reseeding, FP Land acquisition
October Annual mtg preview, Maywood improvements, memorial benches, Volunteer Park upgrades, Trail etiquette
June Roarin-Elgin memories, Cleanup wrapup, Presentation to Bike Palatine, Bellwood & DuPage tree plantings, new benches & fountains, Maywood event
February Cleanup preview, Annual mtg (DuDOT, EBDRT, IPP East extension), County board member recognition, memorial benches, Bellwood tree planting
October Annual mtg preview, DuPage/IPPc contract, IPPc presentation, 60-year anniversary, APA visits IPP, Bellwood projects
July Cleanup summary, Glen Ellyn bike rodeo, Forest Park Arbor Day, Elmhurst museum exhibit
April Cleanup preview, Maintained prairies, volunteer, Elmhurst Bike Club winter ride, Warrenville Trailhead, DuPage update, IPP jerseys
February Cleanup preview, winter cleaning, Annual mtg (DuDOT, IPP projects, Ostbergs – local historians), IPP jerseys