Regulations to Protect People, Animals, & Power Lines
Cyclists and equestrians should give an audible warning when overtaking another user by calling out ‘passing on the left’.
Users should make an effort to stay to the right when traveling the Path.
Cyclists should not travel at excessive speeds.
Care should be given when approaching horses to avoid “spooking” them.
Cyclists (really all users) should stay on the surfaced portion of the path and not damage native vegetation and landscaped areas.
Cyclists should wear helmets at all times.
Cyclists should obey all posted traffic signs (stop signs at crossings, etc)
Pets must be leashed and you must clean up after them.
No motorized vehicles are allowed (county law). Power-assisted wheelchairs and ebikes are allowed in DuPage County. Ebikes riders not abuse the privilege. Speed should be no faster than other bikes.
No firearms, kites, or model airplanes.
No hunting.
No alcoholic beverages or controlled substances.
We provide trash containers at many intersections – please use them.
Camping is not allowed on the Path. The Path is adjacent to several county forest preserves. For camping information call the DuPage County Forest Preserve District, 630-790-4900, or Kane County Forest Preserve District, 630-232-5980.